Maggie Wolven (Middleton)
Lab technician
B.Sc.Hon. University of Toronto, Biology
Office: 4037
Lab: ESC 4039
Email: maggie.middleton@utoronto.ca
Predictive modeling of Pseudomonas syringae virulence on bean using gradient boosted decision trees.
Almeida, RND, Greenberg, M, Bundalovic-Torma, C, Martel, A, Wang, PW, Middleton, MA, Chatterton, S, Desveaux, D, Guttman, DS.
PLoS Pathog.18,2022. PubMed PMID:35877772
Comparative genomic insights into the epidemiology and virulence of plant pathogenic pseudomonads from Turkey.
Dillon, MM, Ruiz-Bedoya, T, Bundalovic-Torma, C, Guttman, KM, Kwak, H, Middleton, MA, Wang, PW, Horuz, S, Aysan, Y, Guttman, DS.
Microb Genom.7,2021. PubMed PMID:34227931
Identifying Pseudomonas syringae Type III Secreted Effector Function via a Yeast Genomic Screen.
Lee, AH, Bastedo, DP, Youn, JY, Lo, T, Middleton, MA, Kireeva, I, Lee, JY, Sharifpoor, S, Baryshnikova, A, Zhang, J, Wang, PW, Peisajovich, SG, Constanzo, M, Andrews, BJ, Boone, CM, Desveaux, D, Guttman, DS.
G3 (Bethesda).9,2019. PubMed PMID:30573466
Epidemiology of Clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in a Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Population.
Middleton, MA, Layeghifard, M, Klingel, M, Stanojevic, S, Yau, YCW, Zlosnik, JEA, Coriati, A, Ratjen, FA, Tullis, ED, Stephenson, A, Wilcox, P, Freitag, A, Chilvers, M, McKinney, M, Lavoie, A, Wang, PW, Guttman, DS, Waters, VJ.
Ann Am Thorac Soc.15,2018. PubMed PMID:29911888
Image-Based Quantification of Plant Immunity and Disease.
Laflamme, B, Middleton, M, Lo, T, Desveaux, D, Guttman, DS.
Mol Plant Microbe Interact.29,2016. PubMed PMID:27996374
Peptides and small molecules of the plant-pathogen apoplastic arena.
Mott, GA, Middleton, MA, Desveaux, D, Guttman, DS.
Front Plant Sci.5,2014. PubMed PMID:25506352
Phytopathogen type III effectors as probes of biological systems.
Lee, AH, Middleton, MA, Guttman, DS, Desveaux, D.
Microb Biotechnol.6,2013. PubMed PMID:23433088